ConclusionThe reading report meeting was proved to be a feasible and effective learning means.
MethodAll the nursing staff were organized to participate in the reading report meeting regularly to share learning experience.
Reading report system integrated into faculty preparation for lessons is a teaching reform program practiced in our department in recent years.
Some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children's lives.
While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children's lives.
The report repays careful reading.
I found this report worth reading and suggest every boss should read it for ideas.
The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.
READING a census report is like peering through a telescope from the back of a speeding train.
“The most pressing issue related to gender gaps is the lagging performance of boys in reading, ” the report said.
The Renaissance Learning company based the report on its reading programs used in many schools.
Now some literacy experts want the federal tests known as the nation's report card to include a digital reading component.
Today, an investor in Europe could not tell from reading a company's financial report whether it is using full-blown IFRS or the EU version.
One of the most important reasons to follow a standard Business report Format is that people reading your report don't usually have a lot of time.
Following a standard Business report Format makes it easier for the people reading your report to find what they need quickly.
A report from Ofqual revealed that 17.4 percent of grades awarded in English reading tests could be wrong because of inconsistencies in marking and flaws in the test design.
Ask yourself, what is my purpose for reading this report?
The results are saved as an HTML report for easy reading.
So if you're revising, or reading a report or a book and want to retain more of the important points, the key is to identify the right words and vocalise or sub-vocalise them.
With events and errors ticked off day by day, hour by hour and then minute by minute as the implacable oil rises from below, the report makes eerie reading.
He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
I wish you productive deliberative sessions and look forward to reading your final report.
The o 'donnell report is expected to make uncomfortable reading for Fox.
In order to maximize the benefits of reading a research report it is important to have at least a basic understanding of research methods and statistics.
On reading the report he is supposed to have said, “I would more easily believe that two Yankee professors would lie than that stones would fall from heaven.”
Active: Named users currently logged onto the system but not necessarily in the process of submitting a request or waiting for one to finish (say like a user reading a report).
A business user reading his Cognos BI report directly invokes IBM InfoSphere business Glossary in order to get more information about some terms in the report.
业务用户在阅读CognosBI报告时可以直接调用IBMInfoSphereBusiness Glossary,获取关于报告中某些词汇的更多信息。
The small print can make for gripping reading. Consider this inconspicuous gem from the latest quarterly report of Magyar Telekom, Hungary's largest telecoms company.
The small print can make for gripping reading. Consider this inconspicuous gem from the latest quarterly report of Magyar Telekom, Hungary's largest telecoms company.