They could reap the profits of land speculation by selling this farmland to rich and acquisitive landlords.
They could reap the profits of land speculation by selling this farm land to rich and acquisitive land lords.
Wang Yung-ching is often the "three generations of the rich but" an old warning their children to their own business, do not rely on the foundation Shangbei reap the profits.
Though exporters have complained noisily about the currency, they continue to reap solid profits abroad and the repatriated earnings may help lift the yen.
While many may end up as losers in the New Economy, the winners will reap increasingly huge profits.
They are at the mercy of companies who reap profits while they struggle.
In order to reap huge profits, the human traders look every possible opportunity to kidnap children and then sell them in high price.
The Chinese reap big profits and are praised for their economic growth, but Africa loses out from replacing the same goods in a short time.
When the intensity of network externality is large enough, equilibrium results will be the same as the case of perfect competition, firms can not reap super profits by differential positioning.
Many predict a gloves-off battle between investors intent on driving the currency lower to reap profits, and Moscow, which may be forced to make unpleasant choices to keep the ruble from falling.
After years of fierce lobbying and months of secrecy, Beijing unveiled five mascots for the 2008 Olympics on Friday, opening a marketing blitz that is expected to reap record profits.
After years of fierce lobbying and months of secrecy, Beijing unveiled five mascots for the 2008 Olympics on Friday, opening a marketing blitz that is expected to reap record profits.