Reading is a receptive language process and is often the chief goal of language learners.
Children who were still nursing after a year had higher receptive language scores at age 3, which means they understood what was being said to them better than their formula-fed peers.
There's other disorders of language such as receptive aphasia where the person could speak very fluently but the words don't make any sense and they can't understand anybody else.
You want your body language to send the message that you are receptive to the speaker’s message.
People are much more receptive if you make an effort to speak their language.
Both listening and reading are receptive skills in English language application. They are also major approaches to learn English for non-English speciality students.
CONCLUSION: The receptive and expressive language areas are synchronously activated in processing acoustic language.
The culturally curious students will be more receptive to the language and more open to forming relationships with native speakers.
Receptive vocabularies are mapped to first language translations and productive vocabularies are mapped to second language semantics.
Your receptive vocabulary is always far larger than your productive vocabulary. This refers to your command of your native language, as well as to English.
Your receptive vocabulary is always far larger than your productive vocabulary. This refers to your command of your native language, as well as to English.