I would definitely recommend to friends and will be staying at st Thomas next time were in Paris.
I had a really good stay here and I'd like to recommend your hotel to my friends and colleagues.
Would we recommend climbing Mount Fuji to friends?
Some companies have gone as far as welcoming spouses under "referral programmes" in which staff can recommend friends to their human resources departments for recruitment, the study finds.
We see this all the time as people recommend add-ons to their friends and write great reviews.
So let's look at what this new feature does - it allows users to recommend search results and ads to their friends or people in their social circle.
那么让我们来看看这项新功能到底可以干什么- - -用户可以向他们的朋友或者他们的社交圈推荐搜索结果。
GOOGLE, FOR ITS PART is offering a search algorithm with a social media component that allows users to recommend searches to their friends.
I'd love it if you also bought copies for friends, relatives, co-workers, all the people in your company! And of course, recommend it to everyone.
With a single click of a Facebook "Like" button, for example, you can recommend a story, video or slideshow to your entire network of friends.
And you don't really know until that customer finds your idea valuable enough that they keep using it, recommend it to their friends, and purchase it again.
You "Like" or "Recommend" articles you read on websites, trying to alert your friends to them.
If you're interested in finding a good financial advisor, talk to some friends and see if they have one they recommend highly.
Most fashion-challenged people - I fall into that category - rely on trusted fashion-conscious friends and family to recommend new clothes to them.
Psychologists recommend more exercise and gathering with friends to distract their attention from TV.
We can recommend any of our friends to participate in your project!
For example, experts recommend that friends and lovers alike avoid the pitfalls of jealousy by being honest with each other to avoid a build-up of unspoken emotions.
These Chinese said they would not be back and would not recommend their friends to visit Israel.
I will strongly recommend it to my friends and classmates.
If you let your friends or relatives to recommend the hairdresser, would you recommend SUHO modelling of possibility?
His friends and family had been hopful that the parole board would recommend his release when it reconvenes on 4 July on the grounds that he is unlikely to reoffend.
听证会7月4日重启后,假释委员会将作出决定。 鉴于毕格茨再次犯罪的可能性很低,他的朋友和家人都对毕格茨获释满怀期待。
Persuading customers to consume what they have bought is often the key to persuading them to make repeat purchases and to recommend the goods or services to their friends.
Yes, I would recommend this to my friends.
We hope that you will recommend our restaurant to all your friends.
I recommend my friends to become Cathay Pacific Airway's employees.
What's more, we should offer to recommend our relatives and friends as well as our parents to save energy.
I will recommend Tencent's value added services to my relatives and friends.
I will recommend Tencent's value added services to my relatives and friends.