Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene).
Even though this IC is supposed to work as a latch circuit, it can also be made to function as RS (recommended standard) flip-flop.
Results Recommended standard for clinical physicians and hospital beds for Guangdong province have been drawn out based on this method.
Even though this IC (integrated circuit) is supposed to work as a latch circuit, it can also be made to function as RS (recommended standard) flip-flop.
Presents the recommended standard based thereon which were prepared to meet the need for preventing occupational diseases arising from exposure to tetrachloroethylene.
The recommended Standard Template Library (STL) has only a few basic classes like hash, stack, and vector, so it can't effectively be used to replace legacy utility libraries.
建议的标准模板库(Standard Template Library,STL)只具有诸如hash、stack和vector 等少数基本类,因此无法有效地用于取代遗留实用工具库。
The stored procedure SELXML queries data inside an XML document using XPath, which is a W3C-recommended standard for accessing data in XML documents and has been incorporated into DB2.
存储过程SELXML使用XPath查询XML文档中的数据。XPath是W3C推荐的访问XML文档中数据的标准,它已经集成在DB 2中了。
Perfect and mandatory national standards for the coordination of the recommended standard system, promote the standard of consumer goods from production to consumption, service type change.
This is not part of the SSL standard, but is highly recommended to prevent a man in the middle attack (MITM).
This is the standard template recommended for use in your code.
Standard Precautions are recommended in the care and treatment of all patients regardless of their perceived or confirmed infectious status.
WHO standard verbal autopsy questionnaires are recommended to improve the comparability of causes of death from systems without medical certification of deaths.
The latter became a standard with AIX 5l and can go up to nearly 1pb in size (but the maximum recommended size is 16tb).
If you are following the standard topology recommended earlier, your Web server is running in the DMZ.
If you are following the standard topology recommended in step 1, your Web server is running in the DMZ.
A customer service rep has recommended the latter, while resetting the Fire as well, but this is a pretty standard remedy (turn it off and on again).
The average concentration of particulates in city air during 2008, for example, was six times the ideal standard recommended by the World Health Organization.
When modeling and designing an SOA, it's highly recommended that the it team follows a standard methodology.
Because reports generated to standard output usually scroll past your screen, it's recommended that you use the -o option to write the output to a file (see Listing 2).
因为发送到标准输出的报告常常会在屏幕上一滚而过,所以建议使用- o选项将输出写到一个文件中(见清单2)。
For simplicity, it is recommended that you uncomment the line CALL CopyMessageHeaders ; from the standard compute node template, and follow it with the ESQL code provided in this article.
为简单起见,建议您不取消注释标准计算节点模板中的代码行CALL CopyMessageHeaders,并且在其后加上本文所提供的ESQL代码。
The torque limiting screwdriver is standard equipment and its use is recommended, the applied torque being specific to the size of the implant.
How-ever, by traditional methods, such as IRE standard method or IEC recommended method, such coefficients can not be completely determined.
Prudential Plc climbed 3.6 percent as UBS AG recommended Britain’s largest insurer and Standard &Poor’s raised its outlook for the U.S. life insurance industry.
Xishan hotel: World Heritage grade town with the perfect combination of five-star hotel configuration, recommended Xizi scenic pillow water resort hotel, standard 830 yuan.
There is a high risk of permanent or temporary numbness of the tongue due to damage of the nerve with this treatment and it is no longer recommended as a standard treatment in oral surgery.
Methods: the standard method for determining the sensibility of insecticides recommended by WHO.
Some data type libraries became a recommended or an official standard for a particular industry.
Over 5 varieties are recommended to control within 3kg. Is that the customs and Excise Department to measure the standard of Taxation?
When set to 0 ( Default ) a standard sized file system cache is allocated (Less than 10MB RAM); this is recommended as it provides best Application performance.
When set to 0 ( Default ) a standard sized file system cache is allocated (Less than 10MB RAM); this is recommended as it provides best Application performance.