When he is mugged by a former book - borrower, who recognises him, he toys with the idea that his assailant will repent of his villainous intent, in witness to the redeeming power of literature.
Or somebody who had nothing but redeeming virtues? We are all, you know, a little in between.
Customer complaints also touch on a lack of individualized communication (23 percent) and issues with redeeming points and miles (18 percent).
For at this point, the deposit banker may think to himself: "for decades, this bank has built up a brand name for honesty and for redeeming its receipts."
This seems to me a perfectly good way of ending ones career: doing redeeming manual work almost as a hobby, subsidised by savings from fatter times.
After all, even the Great Depression had a redeeming quality.
The LG Ally is not very pretty - except for being pretty underpowered - but it does have a few redeeming qualities that can make it attractive.
Tolerance and patience. You will meet people who seem to have no redeeming qualities. Showing tolerance is a great way to accept people for who they are.
Some think this emptiness has a worse on effect on parents than the child, because the child has the redeeming love of its grandparents.
Next, because a shareholder's redemption is the primary reason causing liquidity risk of open-ended fund, the thesis studies a shareholder's redeeming behavior, and makes an empirical analysis.
I admit I've always had a really nice head of hair-my redeeming feature, you might say.
Which makes it clear that the solution to Artest redeeming himself is to win a championship so that he is referred to as winner and as a positive contributor.
I started redeeming free casino chips about 1 year ago and it's a …
This essay mainly provides a method for the modeling system and it has redeeming feature for the model building of every mini system.
Because Christ bared the suffering for us, paid the price, suffered the punishments, so we can be redeemed from the law, just like redeeming a slave, so we no longer will suffer under the law.
"I know of no redeeming qualities in me," he confessed at twenty-four, "but a sincere love for some things..."
In a letter written in 1829, he said. "My ambition has been to succeed in redeeming Texas from its wilderness state by… spreading over it…enterprise and intelligence."
Wait, so does this mean you actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?
Because it has a good resistance to mill, specially used at redeeming sofa leather and redeeming leathers requiring good resistance to mill.
Because it has a good resistance to mill, specially used at redeeming sofa leather and redeeming leathers requiring good resistance to mill.