This paper introduced a new type and special structured vacuum pump unit suitable for dry type reduced-pressure distillation.
The process flow and production practice of air-distillation and reduced-pressure distillation for tar in Jigang coking plant are introduced.
The advantage and disadvantage of the five recycling methods, direct heating, direct aqueous vapor, indirect aqueous vapor, reduced pressure distillation, precipitation method, is discussed.
It is reveal by GC analysis that the purity of the TMP, treated by reduced pressure distillation and recrystallization in acetic ester, approximates to that of the reagent grade TMP.
Veratryl alcohol was synthesized through the reduction of sodium borohydride from veratraldehyde with isopropanol as solvent, followed by solvent extraction and distillation under reduced pressure.
The reduced pressure distillation experiment on the liquid paraffin was done and the Engler distillation curve was obtained.
Garlic plant volatile was extracted by steam distillation under reduced pressure, and the chemical components were determined by GC-MS analysis.
采用减压水蒸气蒸馏法提取出蒜苗挥发物,用GC - MS法分析鉴定其化学成分。
The high-purity MPC standard sample was obtained by reduced pressure distillation and the removal of minor phenol with dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
反应产物经减压精馏、碱洗、水洗、干燥等精制处理,得到了纯度较高的M PC标准品。
The oil is extracted with suitable solvent from the oil treated with homogenizer. After removing the solvent by reduced pressure distillation, the oil is obtained finally.
The headspace gathered more ester compounds in aroma composition than that of reduced pressure distillation.
The headspace gathered more ester compounds in aroma composition than that of reduced pressure distillation.