In face of global warming, much effort has been focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a variety of strategies.
Their goal: to draft an agreement that will limit global warming, chiefly by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This is because of the additional benefits that reducing greenhouse gas emissions could bring, beyond limiting temperature rises.
But for the greatest number that action was recycling household waste, which ranks fairly low on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The point of all this, says the CBPD, is to show you can improve quality of life in the workplace while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Last year, the world's first environmental lottery was unveiled in UK, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting climate change.
Brazil has criticized rich countries for their policies on climate change, saying there is no alternative to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires a comprehensive approach that includes all emissions sources and clearly communicated corporate targets.
The first draft - an 821-page work that calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% over 2005 levels by 2020 - has been on hold for two weeks.
"Expanded use and production of biofuels will not necessarily contribute as much to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as was previously assumed," the report finds.
This is one of the most significant industry agreements on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it has led to more fuel efficient vehicles being brought to the market.
While "adapting" or taking steps to build climate resilience is critical, "mitigating" or reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also vital to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
Meanwhile, nuclear proliferation risks remain a prohibitive concern for many experts-even those who believe that nuclear energy can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
But a process that could dramatically reduce the amount of energy it takes to produce cement or the amount of CO2 cement puts out could be a breakthrough in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Such people power could provide an alternative to mains charging of electronic gadgets, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
She concluded that cities are falling short in two areas: preparing for the likely impacts of climate change and cutting their own greenhouse gas emissions by reducing fossil fuel use.
Believing that global greenhouse-gas emissions must fall by half to limit climate change, and that rich countries should cut the most, Europe has set a goal of reducing emissions by 80-95% by 2050.
遏制气候变化,全球温室气体排放量必须减半;发达国家必须尽最大努力减排。本着这样的信念,欧洲已经将其减排计划定为到2050年实现减排80- 95%。
As I've mentioned, the house has already passed Waxman-Markey, a fairly strong bill aimed at reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
Vilsack said this number will increase, to help the USDA meet its goal of reducing 25 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. As Vilsack noted at a recent climate meeting.
Celanese says it is committed to controlling greenhouse-gas emissions in all its operations, reducing them by 30% from 2005 to 2010.
Celanese says it is committed to controlling greenhouse-gas emissions in all its operations, reducing them by 30% from 2005 to 2010.