For every new family, you can get $30 referral fee.
If we can make a deal, we are going to pay you referral fee in cash!
As with LawyerLocator, firms who get work through the site will pay a referral fee.
Using an affiliate marketing program you agree to pay your affiliate partners a referral fee for each lead or sale that is generated.
That would appear to be a valid concern but Lloyds Group say this is not what is happening and it does not accept any kind of referral fee for putting lawyers on its panel.
In countries where hospital treatment is offered on a fee-for-service basis, such in China, this can create a major barrier to referral for treatment under the national tuberculosis programmes.
To figure that out, one has to read lower in the footnote, which says that referral-fee revenues' have minimal corresponding direct cost of revenue. '.
To figure that out, one has to read lower in the footnote, which says that referral-fee revenues' have minimal corresponding direct cost of revenue. '.