At Hewitt, we continuously try to serve our clients' business needs better through regular client listening.
Personally, I have a folder called "work" on my desktop and within that I have folders for each client I work with on a regular basis.
The best solution is to not include more information on the client side than you need to and to do regular validation of information going both from and to the client.
Polling: Client keeps polling the server at regular intervals.
The Web App Debugger client will run as a regular desktop application, showing the empty form.
Simply put, the cruise lines allow Vacations to Go to re-market their unsold cabins to their exclusive and highly confidential client list at huge discounts from the regular price.
It stores both the account data snapshots in a regular array and returns them to the client as the final result.
Remember that the instant messaging client was extended to analyze and scan the messages for particular key phrases, as specified through a regular expression in the initialization file.
As a result, writing a synchronous service or a synchronous service client is usually not much more than a simple extension of the regular programming model.
All of the server and client tools were executed with a different duration (24 hours and 96 hours) against the latest available kernel on a regular basis.
With SOAP, at regular intervals, the client requests any notifications from the server for this listener.
The first parameter is described using a regular expression and represents the keyword triggering the client to retrieve XML documents from the database.
On the client, handling requests isn't much different from a regular request.
Even if it did, regular expressions in GWT have syntactical differences when deployed as client and server code.
Use regular expressions at the client and at the server to facilitate a consistent validation model
If everything went according to plan, you should now be able to attach to the wireless network we just made, network ID "test," run a DHCP client, and get DHCP service from your regular DHCP server.
Since the beginning of the Internet, if you wanted to sync services between two servers the most common solution was to have the client ping the host at regular intervals, which his known as polling.
Work together and close communication with Banquet Sales Team to keeps updated with client relationships and overall business goals through regular entertainment and some activation.
The Lotus Notes client checks the Domino server for new mail on a regular interval.
The client in this case is simply your regular application together with the Terracotta for Spring runtime.
在这里客户端就是你配有terracotta for Spring运行时的普通应用。
URL pattern: a Perl-compatible regular expression string to be matched with the URL sent by the client.
Regular progress reports can be made for the client as well as certification if wanted.
Liaison with the qc inspectors, other departments, client and certifying authority on a regular basis. Review of all qc inspection reports.
Set goals and plan. Have regular goal setting meetings with your client over a coffee or juice and give your personal guarantee of achieving them if they follow your instructions.
During the execution of the Contract, the Supervisor shall submit supervision report to the Client at regular interval as stated in the Contract.
Maintain and update IMAX SOURCE materials and supervise client for regular application and use.
维护并更新IMAX SOURCE相关资源,并督促影院经常使用。
Liaise between client and agency by maintaining regular contact with both and ensuring that communications flows effectively;
Interact and communicate with the customer on a regular basis to determine business opportunities; Build strong relationships with existing and new client base;
Interact and communicate with the customer on a regular basis to determine business opportunities; Build strong relationships with existing and new client base;