According to the method, the relative overdamping can be expressed in a linear function of the product of the width of half peak of the response curve by the nature frequency of the geophone.
To overcome the shortage of information gain in text categorization, this paper proposes a method of feature reduction based on the relative document frequency balance information gain (RDFBIG).
The method which combines cross correlation detection with chaos theory to detect the weak signals relative to central frequency in overvoltage monitoring is proposed in the paper.
In induced polarization method, multi-frequency relative phase spectrum method use above signal as field source, showed the advantage of PRMF signal used as field source for electrical exploration.
Use relative signal processing method to pre-processing data, make time domain and frequency domain analysis, calculate the ride index and comfort, obtain relative results and export reports form.
The formula for the parameter relative phase difference of the pseudo-random tripe-frequency IP method is draw through calculation and analysis of a established RC model, and a proof is given.
The three breadth frequencies and three relative phase differences can be measured with the pseudo-random tripe-frequency IP method.
The three breadth frequencies and three relative phase differences can be measured with the pseudo-random tripe-frequency IP method.