Releasing equilibrium moisture relate to temperature and relative humidity, but not to the original moisture content of grain.
The most familiar measure of the moisture content of air is relative humidity.
The effect of relative compaction, initial moisture content of specimens and strain rate was investigated.
The model precision by the soil volumetric moisture content was relative lower.
Relative humidity influences the moisture content between particles, so that the capillary forces between particles increase.
The effect of relative compaction, initial moisture content of specimens, strain rate, consolidation ratio and reconstitution of specimens and drainage condition are investigated.
对试样的相对压实度、初始含水量、应变速率、固结比、试样的重塑、排水条件因素等对稳定状态的影响进行了试验研究 。
The effect of relative compaction, initial moisture content of specimens, strain rate, consolidation ratio and reconstitution of specimens and drainage condition are investigated.
对试样的相对压实度、初始含水量、应变速率、固结比、试样的重塑、排水条件因素等对稳定状态的影响进行了试验研究 。