Enter any user data in the relevant user data field.
Your design must deliver relevant and targeted information to the user, of course, which requires plenty of data filtering and a savvy look at individual users.
A data warehouse will normally be presented as a set of tables, which requires an end user to have knowledge of what tables and columns are relevant and how to join the tables together.
The idea is that the main page displays performance data that is most relevant to the business user.
The business analytics system must be able to handle large volumes of data, process it efficiently, and come to its result in a window of time that is relevant to the user.
On the WebSphere Portal side, you use a portlet which checks user data and compares its relevant data to the metadata.
The user then selects a method and enters data relevant to the service and submits this to the Web server.
Finding data is a problem that Google mainly solved years ago - now the challenge the typical user faces is how to find relevant information.
The user can rapidly download the data of electronic map relevant to the course this time through data service end of map and get the convenience of dynamic navigation.
The user can rapidly download the data of electronic map relevant to the course this time through data service end of map and get the convenience of dynamic navigation.