TCP is a reliable protocol that guarantees sequenced, ordered delivery of data and manages congestion within a network.
In addition, it provides a reliable messaging transport of the sensor data back to the Premises Server in a common format and protocol.
Beyond that, it provides a reliable messaging transport of the sensor data back to WebSphere sensor Events in a common format and protocol.
Transport protocol: data services could be consumed via reliable (such as JMS via MQ Series) or unreliable transport messaging protocols (such as HTTP).
In order to provide reliable data transmission service on disturbed channels, a modified Go-Back-N ARQ protocol is used to retransmit data by a communication gateway.
In a typical distributed interaction environment, environment information dynamic update is based on Protocol Data Unit (PDU), which does not guarantee reliable message transfer.
The code rules are ensured according to analyzing the data PRI and transfer approaches. The CAN protocol and effective and reliable CAN communication system are established.
RUDP is a method of reliable transfer data by UDP (user datagram protocol).
Considered a reliable data transmission and wireless sensor network nodes 'life, we analyze and design the data transmission network of node multi-hop routing protocol.
ALC protocol sends data through many multicast tunnels and undertakes data reliable by forward error correction (FEC).
By the use of this protocol, a simple and reliable serial communication program can be designed to satisfy the need of data serial communication between the devices in automatic control system.
By the use of this protocol, a simple and reliable serial communication program can be designed to satisfy the need of data serial communication between the devices in automatic control system.