Therefore, there is a need to tell a cache how long a rendered view of page remains valid.
How you set remote cache information depends on the "freshness" requirements and the scope of the rendered view.
First we will use a Servlet 2.3 Filter to apply an ETag generated using an MD5 checksum of the rendered view (a "shallow" ETag implementation).
首先我们将使用Servlet 2.3Filter,利用展现视图(rendered view)的MD 5校验和(checksum)以实现生成ETag的方法(一个“浅显的”ETag实现)。
Relocatable resources: resources can be told where to render themselves, and this rendered location may be different from the resource tag placement in the view.
To see the rendered image from the camera's point of view, you have to convert the 3d world to camera space by taking the camera position and orientation into account.
In line 5 we create an ActionMessages instance to hold a status message, and in lines 12 — 14 and 17 — 19 we save the ActionMessages into the request so they can be rendered in the view.
在第5行我们创建了一个ActionMessages实例来保存状态信息,而在第12 -14行和17 -19行我们将ActionMessages保存到了request中,这样它们就可以在视图中被渲染。
For example, you can easily write your own view class to change the way views are selected or rendered, or use a different database platform for models (the default is Ruby Sequel).
Finally, in the view page, the chart is rendered using the function render_chart which takes the swf chart file name, url, xml, width, height, debugMode, registerWithJS as parameters.
One view allows you to interact with the rendered image.
This rendering process simply provides text, so you can set the rendered text as an attribute on the main view.
You can call the same action method from multiple places in the parent view and pass it parameters to specify what is rendered.
Rather, they use the same device capabilities abstraction to infer how a particular view should be rendered.
The columns are rendered as they are required, so scrolling the view for the first time is not usually as smooth as it is later.
Listing 4 shows key portions of some JSP files: the JSP for rendering the Main view, followed by an example of the rendered content for this JSP.
The words inside the tags are rendered in the style of the "normal" view, i.e. with different fonts, weights, colors, etc.
The parent view contains most of the HTML for the rendered page.
A View describes a chart or table that will be rendered with the data selected.
The HTML is then processed by the browser and a new page is rendered for the end user to view.
Castle MonoRail offers different view engines to produce what is ultimately rendered to the browser.
The Action method returns the child view as a string, which can then be rendered directly.
The portlet class needs to be subclassed and the action needs to be intercepted before the existing view is rendered.
If you set your browser locale request to "ja" (for Japanese) and view the source code of the HTML page that is rendered by using the JWL, you will find code like Listing 2 shows.
Rendered HTML view of Web pages visited during test recording
When the value is rendered back to the view, JSF will call the getAsString method in the render response phase.
如果该值被返回呈现在视图中,那么 JSF将在呈现响应阶段调用getAsString方法。
This allows you to view a single portlet rendered by the XDIME aggregator.
The big problem though is that all the rendered images are at bird's eye view.
Why would HTML show up in view: source but not be displayed or rendered on the page?
Why would HTML show up in view: source but not be displayed or rendered on the page?