Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.
The money will have to be repaid, and repaid at ungenerous rates of interest: in this case, 5.2%.
In order to keep the system going, debt is repaid at the expense of African education and health care.
They had not gone far from the city when Joseph said to his steward, "Go after those men at once, and when you catch up with them, say to them, 'Why have you repaid good with evil?
At one point the firm was in debt to the tune of about 1.5 million dollars, but it has since repaid all the money and now employs 17 people.
While a holder can expect to get repaid in full at maturity, the price of longer-term Treasuries could fall sharply in the interim if yields rise.
For taxpayers relief at being repaid should be tempered by the fact that they are still on the hook for these too-big-to-fail firms.
So Greek taxpayers may be indignant at the sight of a lender that they rescued spending large amounts of money on a potentially highly profitable deal before it has repaid them.
Catherine evinced a child's annoyance at this neglect; repaid it with contempt, and thus enlisted my informant among her enemies, as securely as if she had done her some great wrong.
Invest time at the start of a project to choose or strengthen the team; your investment will be repaid later in the project cycle when the group comes under pressure.
Morning to buy vegetables at what caused several dishes for soup, to pay insurance amount to hire more young repaid.
Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood.
Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood.