A stream is a repository object that includes one or more components.
Close all repository object property pages before upgrading the database.
The extract file shows the repository object where the extraction information is contained.
The Repository object will represent one continuous session between the client and the connector.
The Access Definition Name shows the name of the repository object containing the access definition metadata.
Client applications begin by initiating a connection with the II CE server and requesting a Repository object.
Once you have the repository object you can start to work with objects in the repository like Folders and Documents.
Each subsequent operation on the Repository object will come with the client's assumption that it is already logged on.
In fact, for some repositories, it can be difficult to determine what exactly is going to map to the Repository object itself!
JSR-170 does not specify exactly how you should obtain a repository object initially; this is left as an implementation detail for each repository vendor.
JSR- 170没有确切地指定应当如何获得初始的Repository对象;这被留作每个仓库厂商的实现细节。
The interface has three methods—create, update, and delete—which are invoked when a WebSphere Service Registry and Repository object is created, updated, and deleted, respectively.
该接口具有三个方法 ——create、update和delete——当创建、更新和删除WebSphereServiceRegistry andRepository对象时将分别调用这三个方法。
A document represents an object or an entity in the repository.
When users create or update content or any other version enabled LWWCM object, they might want to save versions of each item, LWWCM provides the versioning repository for that purpose.
You can easily add your changes to the system object repository after you are done developing and testing them.
Object definitions of the same object class are stored in the same object repository file.
When you are satisfied with your stanza file, add it to your development object repository.
If a service supporting the required explicit interface was found in the local repository, a direct reference to the service object would be returned.
Set ODMDIR to point to your development object repository during development.
The ODM database files reside in the object repository.
I'll give you examples of how to do this just prior to adding your changes to the system object repository.
The software stack object contains several property elements for information such as where the virtual machine template is stored in the file repository.
Updates a remote repository with local index and object change information.
A SAP server contains a business object repository (BOR) that stores SAP business objects.
Instead, the DAOS-enabled server saves a single copy of the attachment in the DAOS repository and replaces the attachment with a reference to that DAOS object.
The object repository file for a class has the same name as the class.
You can ask the repository to give you one for a specific path or object ID.
The environmental variable ODMDIR specifies the ODM object repository for the ODM utilities.
环境变量ODMDIR指定ODM实用程序的 ODM对象存储库。
To avoid outgoing conflicts, the updated properties of a Jazz item should be synced by using the External Repository Manager before the external object is updated.
For example, Spring 2.0 introduced the PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor to automatically enable data access exception translation for any object carrying the @Repository annotation.
It answers true when the object below the mouse pointer is a node representing a CMIS repository or a CMIS folder; otherwise, it answers false.
当鼠标指针下的对象是一个表示CMIS知识库,或者CM IS文件夹的节点,它就返回true;否则,就返回false。