Using this new service only requires knowing its interface and name.
For each remote service, GWT requires two interfaces on the client side: a remote service interface and a remote service async interface.
As on the client, the wrapped interface requires the application code to extract data from received wrapper objects and construct wrapper objects to be sent.
Testing a user interface component requires execution of the unit, data entry, and evaluation of the results.
Our bank scenario requires a simple browser interface that bank tellers use to perform the core functions you implemented earlier in a PHP module.
But a user interface almost always requires some customization, even when you use the most sophisticated generators.
So, a component requires an interface and the implementation must adhere to that interface.
Service interface design requires you to specify both provided and required interfaces.
Exposing an existing application programming interface (API) as a service, for example, requires an understanding of the data being exposed: is it reliable and accurate?
The regular expression engine has a simple and clean interface, which basically requires you to learn two new classes and one new interface.
It requires at least graphical user interface (GUI) service, and often a rather delicate installation, and multiple programmed processes.
The most obvious issue is that the interface in Listing 6 requires a JNI call for each bit set or retrieved, as well as a JNI call to read a byte from, or write a byte to, the serial port.
This task requires the service interface to expose its transaction support so that it can participate in the caller's transaction.
GWT requires an asynchronous version of any interface that's going to be invoked from the client.
SCA requires a service interface definition that describes the service endpoint on the bus (the interface the client application will call).
In order to provide enough information for our deployment example, I have created a web service that requires a mapping file for the interface.
For example, the invoicing interaction point requires the invoicing interface to initiate price calculations and send the shipping price.
The dynamic invocation interface requires a Call object to be created at runtime.
For example, the invoicing request port requires the invoicing interface to initiate price calculations and send the shipping price.
This service requires the ScheduleProcessing interface to request that the consumer process the completed schedule.
It also requires the ScheduleProcessing interface to request that the consumer process the completed schedule.
XMLBeans requires you to create an interface and a static implementation for each method in that interface.
We can see by the type of the service that it provides the Invoicing interface and requires the InvoiceProcessing interface.
The connector is dependent on the Teradata parallel transport interface that requires multiple processes to be synchronized at various points during the load process.
The interface requires that I pass in an array of the primary keys for which I want full objects, and the DAO implementation will return a Map of the objects.
As you know, an interface operation requires parameters that describe the business data that is sent from or returned to the operation.
Not according to the contract of the process interface. That only requires that code be accompanied by tests.
The import requires an interface with operations that the components in you module can call, and operations require business objects to contain the business data the operation USES.
To achieve this mapping of actions to the interface requires both technical and cognitive skills.
Change to existing user interface details no longer requires the tester to revise each test script.