We will also examine these issues in light of actual treaty negotiations especially the on-going efforts to implement the Climate Change Convention. The class will operate as a research seminar.
They will announce the result at a special seminar at Cern - the European particle physics laboratory - timed to coincide with the publication of a research paper describing the experiment.
Colin and his mother say they would be satisfied if the university ensures that the NSF-funded research trip and a seminar fulfill the academic requirements of the course he originally sought.
Hi professor, as you have done a lot of research about companies, strategies, training programs, so, what are the most important message you want to deliver at the seminar?
This seminar is based on current research results and builds on many years of experience in implementing project management governance structures in organisations.
In a very tangible way, the practice of meditation throws light on the research presented in the papers. It gives an opportunity for the participant to experience what was presented in the seminar.
The World Health Organization plans to conduct a seminar early next year, devoted to the research results and to study how to secure the implementation of this operation.
The seminar by the Chinese border and Marine research institute, wuhan university and the university of Leiden grotius research center, jointly organized by international law.
In "The First Linguistic Theory Teaching and Research Academic Seminar", the experts had wide academic exchange on some academic questions of linguistic theory teaching and research field.
The first China's international seminar on media education will certainly bring about the rise and promotion of China's media education research and practice.
A grand seminar on poems by Niu Han was held earlier in Langfang City, the seminar was co-sponsored by China Contemporary Literature Research Academy and other institutions.
Toward the end of the semester, you will be asked to write a 3-page research proposal (double-spaced, font size 12) about one of the topics discussed at the seminar.
The experience gained from active participation in a seminar conducted by a research mathematician is particularly valuable for a student planning to pursue graduate work.
The course is structured to provide three lecture/seminar-based modules and three studio-based design modules followed by an individual Research-based Design Project.
The course is structured to provide three lecture/seminar-based modules and three studio-based design modules followed by an individual Research-based Design Project.