and by 1748, at the age of 42, he was able to retire from business to devote his life to public service and the study of science.
An male employee attaining age 60 or a female employee age 55 shall retire from the company's service.
Choose to retire 18 years ago from his business and returned to teach 2 years later at the Institute of Public Administration Management and Civil Service College in Singapore as an external lecturer.
Article 46 Officers who have reached the maximum age for active service in peacetime shall retire from active service.
Article 5 Officers who meet the provisions for retiring from active service as specified in the present Regulations shall retire from active service.
Article 6 Officers who meet the provisions on retiring from active service as specified in this Law shall retire from active service.
Article 6 Officers who meet the provisions on retiring from active service as specified in this Law shall retire from active service.