Retrospective application of this Standard on new or facelift vehicles or components on which the PDS or design was defined prior to the above date shall be at the discretion of the design Engineer.
Methods Retrospective analysis was made for 235 cases on the following items: age at IUD removal, years after menopause, preoperative estrogen application and the cause of IUD removal.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of the application of fiber bronchoscope in 68 cases of PTTs.
Objective: To explore the application of static ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) through retrospective analysis of clinical data of patients with stroke, and provide guidance for effective use of AFO.
Methods a retrospective analysis of 88 cases with of a variety of gastrointestinal polyps and endoscopic application of holmium laser treatment in the process of care measures was carried out.
Method Randomly selected 200 patients discharged from orthopedic trauma surgery. To do a retrospective survey of the application of antimicrobial, collate, analyze then access to information.
Methods: in a retrospective study, the application data and the related indexes of the narcotic analgesics in 5 general hospitals in Xinjiang area during 2006-2009 were analyzed statistically.
方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对新疆地区5家医院2006 - 2009年麻醉性镇痛药的应用数据及相关指标进行统计、分析。
Methods: in a retrospective study, the application data and the related indexes of the narcotic analgesics in 5 general hospitals in Xinjiang area during 2006-2009 were analyzed statistically.
方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对新疆地区5家医院2006 - 2009年麻醉性镇痛药的应用数据及相关指标进行统计、分析。