If you're lucky, the function's man page lists all of its possible return values and what they mean in the context of this particular function.
Notice one last piece. If I'm going to do that, run through all possible answers, I still want to know, gee, what if there aren't any answers? How do I return that case?
If it is possible to return the data to the client without serialization, by binding directly to an XML output host variable, this is the safest way to avoid any kind of substitution character.
The CompanySystemContractManager class in Listing 4 checks only if arguments or return values are null, but it's possible to enhance it to add extremely sophisticated checks.
If the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes.
Again, though, such improvements are possible only if the union's remote legs perform significant processing before beginning to return results, and if the result sets are relatively small.
If there is still more than one possible match remaining, then they are indistinguishable; return the first one found.
Find the longest of the possible matches, along with any ties. If there is only one such possible match then return it.
Dear, if possible, I will waiting for your return.
I would be lying if I told you I didn't want to return as soon as possible.
If the function succeeds, the return value indicates the event that caused the function to return. The following table shows possible values.
Business is not generally discussed over a meal, though you may be treated to a banquet during your stay. If possible, you should always return the favor.
If there is only one such possible match then return it.
We do not know if what The Sun reported on Sheva's personal situation is true or not, but this is just an additional reason for us to not speak about his possible return to Milan.
I am Nigerian and I don't know if I'd ever return home but I'm sure I want to keep as many children as possible alive.
Rousseau said, "I have made up my mind, if it is possible, I will use my remaining time, someday let myself be able to return this most excellent female for all help that I have received from her."
This is a good group and even if it is January, I believe we will keep things as they are, to return to the top spot as soon as possible.
If you need the results right away, you can tell them it is urgent by saying, "Please return the survey without delay or as soon as possible."
Anybody who has found it please contact me by this email or phone 07724746993. You can return it after you read it if you like it, but please contact me as soon as possible for it's a borrowed book.
请捡到的朋友尽快与我联系,电话077 2474 6993,您如果对这本书感兴趣,可以看过再还给我们,但请先联系告知,因为这本书也是我孩子借别人的。
Anybody who has found it please contact me by this email or phone 07724746993. You can return it after you read it if you like it, but please contact me as soon as possible for it's a borrowed book.
请捡到的朋友尽快与我联系,电话077 2474 6993,您如果对这本书感兴趣,可以看过再还给我们,但请先联系告知,因为这本书也是我孩子借别人的。