I'd think it better to return the visit.
We have decided to return the visit to their country.
It was a goodwill trip to return the visit we made to their country.
He determined, come what may, to return the visit he had just received.
The US president is making a return visit to Moscow.
I will return to my hometown and visit my grandmother at the end of this term.
The manager released him to return to his native town to visit his grandmother who was ill in bed.
After a while, other scouts start to visit the sites advertised by their compatriots and, on their return, also perform more waggle dances.
For my return visit, I set off from Sop Ruak and followed in the footsteps of Khun Sa, travelling 50 miles west to the once notorious village of Mae Salong, now renamed Santikhiri.
You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.
Hammer said he had been trying to return to the site since he found the earlier dinosaurs in 1990, but a 2003 visit was cut short because of bad weather and helicopter problems.
In the course of an unexpected return visit, working on a film, she meets a woman who leads her to re-examine how much she has lost.
Young orangutans normally don't leave mom's side until they're 10 or so, and even when they do strike out on their own, they often return to "visit" for the next few years.
A court case seeking right of return is under way in Britain, and last year the Chagossians were allowed to visit their relatives' graves for the first time.
For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
NASA's current exploration plans call for a return of astronauts to the Moon by 2020, for the first visit since 1972.
You should visit the doctor and ask for a written note explaining why you are unable to attend class and when you should be able to return.
If you return false from the visit method, the children of this node won't be visited.
Cavs owner Dan Gilbert went ballistic, fans burned his jersey and then turned LeBron's return last week with the Miami Heat into an insult-fest akin to a George W. Bush visit to Berkeley.
骑士队老板丹·吉尔伯特(Dan Gilbert)暴跳如雷,当地球迷们则焚烧勒布朗球衣,后来当勒布朗上周随同热火队回到克利夫兰时,又对他不依不饶,犹如小布什访问伯克利时所受到的待遇。
NASA will not return humans to the moon but might visit an asteroid-and much later Mars.
Following on from our episode on hosting a site visit, we return to our friends at the railway tunnel.
Our cousins stayed with us only for the weekend but promised to return in July for a protracted visit.
New fishing Tours include the services of the chef who will cook your catch upon your return, and a visit to a local botanical garden includes a lesson in making hibiscus tea from flowers.
Dumbledore cannot come here with me, and after the treatment I have received at your hands, I can assure you that I shall not be making a return visit!
The burden of proof is on the applicant to establish credible ties to China and an intent to return after a temporary visit to the United States.
Although the program doesn't officially offer farm families a return swap, many do get the opportunity to visit their urban guests.
Although the program doesn't officially offer farm families a return swap, many do get the opportunity to visit their urban guests.