Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.
She quitted her job when she became pregnant, but she is now interested in returning to work.
But she added the fact that the consignment might now be impossible to deliver had prompted the shipping company to consider returning with the cargo to China.
Many bankers are now returning to a market that in Asia had seemed to have run its course: mergers and acquisitions.
Now, many species of formerly endangered birds and mammals, including leopards and pumas, are returning to the region.
Now in Bolivia, Hentzen heads east to Brazil, before returning to the Pacific coast, and the Walk2gether campaign’s final stretch this summer in Chile.
鲍勃·亨森现在要向东走,走到巴西,然后再返回太平洋岸。 一起走的行动最后一段今年夏天要在智利展开。
Returning to the loan submission system, we could now extend the submit loan request use case to include the reception of the report.
Now, as our special report explains, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house.
Some of them, mainly women, now show up in my classes as "older students," often returning to take up the education they dropped out of twenty-some years ago.
They have been used and are now returning to their homes, poorer but wiser”.
It is an oft-repeated story among coastal families that survived and are now returning to their neighborhoods, the mud hardened, to search through the wreckage and face their demons.
With commodity prices now recovering and confidence returning, China is in a more solid position than Africa's traditional partners to pick up the pace.
Now Amex is returning to its roots.
Now he's trying to figure out how to maintain that edge after returning to the place he left almost five years ago and feeling as if absolutely nothing has changed.
Now, such systems are returning, and outside help is beginning to make a difference.
But it has slowly subsided and is now down to pre-Lehman levels, a sign that investor confidence is returning.
Now that the last space shuttle has landed back on Earth, a new generation of space entrepreneurs would like to whip up excitement about the prospect of returning to the Moon.
So upon returning to the city of my youth, now over a year removed from college, I knew what I had to do.
Now they are returning home and the unemployed mason, who is also a preacher, quotes Ecclesiastes: "A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.
One returning resident wearing a New York Yankees cap said he used to work as a carpenter in the nuclear complex's reactor No. 1, which is now badly damaged.
Now you need to write the code for the class, which is a very simple method returning a single string.
We now know that this represents a function pointer type that can refer to any method taking a single int argument and returning a string.
This has done less damage to civilian life and property than two previous, failed offensives in Malakand. The local Pushtuns, over 2m of whom were displaced by the fighting, are now returning home.
Note, now the association rule mining flow is executing and returning the extracted rules to Framework Manager.
现在,关联规则挖掘流被执行并将所提取的规则返回给Framework Manager。
Now again you abandon me, and are returning home. I do not know if hereafter I may expect to have another opportunity of seeing you.
Now again you abandon me, and are returning home. I do not know if hereafter I may expect to have another opportunity of seeing you.