In the first place you must rev it up to warm the engine.
Rev it up: Pair pineapple with protein-rich yogurt or nonfat cottage cheese.
Rev it up: Combining whole grains with protein is a classic energy-extending combination.
The driver can rev it up all the way to the redline before changing gears without any automatic interference from the car.
Rev it up: Spread almond butter on whole-grain crackers, or combine a handful of raw almonds with unsweetened dried fruit for a satisfying snack full of fiber and protein.
It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to stop eating when they're full, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
And if so, is it possible to rev up your metabolism to burn more calories?
The very process means your metabolism has to "rev up" to produce the fuel it needs. You'll burn more calories faster!
Rev. Awdry was happy to make up stories about the little train, but told his son that it first needed to have a name —so they called him "Thomas the Tank Engine."
Aerobic exercise may not build big muscles, but it can rev up your metabolism in the hours after a workout.
If you rev up your engine too fast, you may damage it.
The intent behind the moves is to rev up the economy and protect it from the slowdown elsewhere.
The idea is to rev up the body's "good" fat to help it burn off the "bad" fat.
The day I wrote you first, I picked up three address from a dating site and I prayed over it with my Rev, father.
The day I wrote you first, I picked up three address from a dating site and I prayed over it with my Rev, father.