She grew up in Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia as it then was.
I nearly went to Rhodesia instead of coming here, "she said, after a while."
I grew up as a youngster in Shabani, near Fort Victoria in Southern Rhodesia.
Although he had no experience of farming, he moved the whole family to Rhodesia.
Born in 1931 in, then, Northern Rhodesia, Scott Brown studied first in South Africa and then London.
The war in Rhodesia was no simple conflict between whites and blacks. Many blacks fought with the whites.
But in truth there was no romance about Mr Smith's Rhodesia—no heroes, no derring-do, no nobility of purpose.
Mr Murray was born in Britain and placed in an institution, aged two-and sent to Southern Rhodesia two years later.
Some 40 years ago, the former Northern Rhodesia was a middle-income country. Average Zambians were wealthy by African standards.
Having defeated the white-majority rule of Rhodesia to create his black-majority state, Mugabe looked at first like another Mandela.
Zimbabwe and its predecessor, Rhodesia (correctly Southern Rhodesia until Mr Smith compressed the name), have produced a crop of fine writing.
In 1956, in response to Lessing's courageous outspokenness, she was declared a prohibited alien in both Southern Rhodesia and South Africa.
In 1925, lured by the promise of getting rich through maize farming, the family moved to the British colony in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
I was never much worried about roaming around Vietnam, Rhodesia during its 1970s civil war, and Middle East battlefields, even without a military escort.
The U. S. and Canada come next, with around $40, 000, 000 apiece, then Russia (about $20, 000, 000), and Mexico, Australia, and Southern Rhodesia (each with a dozen-odd million).
This was often a nakedly snobbish observation, accompanied by the comment that the British colonists who went to Kenya tended to be officers, whereas those settling in Southern Rhodesia were NCOs.
This was often a nakedly snobbish observation, accompanied by the comment that the British colonists who went to Kenya tended to be officers, whereas those settling in Southern Rhodesia were NCOs.