Buyer reserve right of claim charge quality below standard.
The debtor who performed the debt has the right of claim to other debtors.
Right of claim, right of formation and right of plea are hinge concepts in Civil law.
The second part of this article analyzes reasons which bring up conflict of right of claim.
To improver the process of the right of claim, we should widen the way of the administrative redress.
The right of the real claim is the right of claim, which gives the holder of the right in rem the remedy.
From the right state, conflict of right of claim can be divided into static conflict and moving state conflict.
The inspection of the basis for right of claim has great practical significance, but it does not draw enough attention.
We will refuse to receive the goods and reserve the right of claim if the goods arrived in the port after the shipment date.
The Seller must deliver goods which are free from any right of claim of a third party based on industrial property or other intellectual property.
The creditor's right is essentially the right of claim, but its right content enables it to have the property attribute, which may circulate freely.
According to the relation between the right of action and adjudicative power, the right of action can be divided into procedural right of claim and formation.
At the same time, the creditor shall be granted the right of claim for the division of the legacy so that he can resort to legal measures to protect his own benefits.
The second, as for the kind of right of control, I support the theory of right of claim, and think the right of control belongs to the right of claim based on contract.
And the implementation of commonweal lawsuit can get the guarantee of substantive law from conferring the substantive right of claim on plaintiff in public interest action.
Whereas in Germany, the value of personal indicia have been put into the rang of personal rights and protected by the right of claim (the damages, unjust right and the illegal management).
Article 139 a limitation of action shall be suspended during the last six months of the limitation if the plaintiff cannot exercise his right of claim because of force majeure or other obstacles.
The inspection of the basis for right of claim has great practical significance, but it does not draw enough attention. Its main way of thinking includes the sequence thinking and claim right one.
The rights and interests of insurance consumers refer to the right to information, the right to fair deals, the right of choice, the right of claim, the right to safety and the privacy right, etc.
We claim that the rich have the right to keep their money — which misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.
The use of "super - injunctions", under which commercial corporations claim the right to keep secret the fact that they have been to court, has been growing.
He also insists that the logic of two states rules out any right which the Palestinian refugees of many decades ago claim to return to former homes in what has long been Israel.
But whatever their desires, only two in three Australians claim to be satisfied with the level of intimacy in their life right now, the study shows.
People sometimes claim that that's the case and, because of that, the right thing to do is to not think about it.
On the other side, we have the claim that the rich have the right to keep their money - which misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.
The Geneva Conventions, the first of which was negotiated by European nations in 1864, and a series of meetings that began in The Hague in 1899, also set limits on the victor’s right to claim spoils.
1864年,欧洲国家首次就战争期间掠夺问题谈判而达成日内瓦公约;1899年,自海牙会议始,又进行了一系列会议。 这些都对战胜者占有战利品提出了限制。
That is why the crucial claim of the anti-smokers is that of passive smoking: your right to smoke ends at my nose, they say, and liberals have been comprehensively wrong-footed by this.
That is why the crucial claim of the anti-smokers is that of passive smoking: your right to smoke ends at my nose, they say, and liberals have been comprehensively wrong-footed by this.