The cloning of trees by grafting a cutting onto a living root is hardly modern science.
The grafting part is adding new characteristics from elsewhere to the well-trained root stock.
Experiment on clonal propagation of Euonymus carnosus by cutting and grafting demonstrated that cuttings had difficulty to have root, therefore, 1-year branch had only 1.
There are other technical methods, such as root-cutting, tillering, grafting, tissue culturing and other methods.
The effect of irregular root on the growth of sprout and root is little, so walnut seedling grafting could be used in practice on a large scale.
There is no significant reciprocal action, between scion and stock after grafting, so we can use the root sink capacity to determine the yield of different varieties.
A part, such as a stem, leaf, or root, removed from a plant to propagate a new plant, as through rooting or grafting.
Using this cutting medium, root taking is quite slow, generally needs over half a year, rooting percentage is between 50 ~ 60%. It takes 3 to 4 years to turn into grafting stock.
上述扦插基质,生根缓慢,通常要在半年以上,成活率约在50 ~ 60%之间,培养3 ~4年方可作为砧木之用。
Using this cutting medium, root taking is quite slow, generally needs over half a year, rooting percentage is between 50 ~ 60%. It takes 3 to 4 years to turn into grafting stock.
上述扦插基质,生根缓慢,通常要在半年以上,成活率约在50 ~ 60%之间,培养3 ~4年方可作为砧木之用。