You don't need a passport for routine business.
It lets you configure and execute workflows to automate routine business processes.
Business intelligence is the analysis of data to improve management of the enterprise and routine business operations.
Purpose 1. To plan and control routine business operations which includes evaluating the performance of people and activities.
In contrast to the FCPA, it makes no exception for small "facilitation payments" to speed up routine business such as customs checks or visas.
Assist CEO in business document compiling and translation such as routine business report, correspondence letter and company announcement.
Owing to its irrelevance to the reader's face, routine business letters will not be included in the research and analysis in this dissertation.
We'll further update the China-ASEAN business database and enhance routine business pre-matching services beside those provided during the event.
Now came a new email from Wenwen, Ice was tired of reading them, she glanced it as if she was doing her routine business. Suddenly, a name "Wine" which could make her heart beat quickly appeared.
The main task is to handle routine business, such as arranging meetings, meeting visitors, seeing visitors off, assigning work, making plans, sorting out the data, collecting information and so on.
Entrepreneurs are using new business models to revolutionise routine care as well.
Without altering the overall business process flow, that step can be replaced by a service in which business rules automate routine approvals while deferring more difficult decisions to humans.
Maintaining your normal routine may help you adjust to time changes and the stress of business travel.
These folks can't stand routine work and would rather be traveling on business than sitting behind a desk all day.
The article solves the core security problems of DDC, realizes the data interfaces of DDC with another business system and data center, announces the routine circulation management of DDC.
It managers are evaluating ways to save money from routine operations and use the savings for running transformational it projects with significant business impact.
Yet in spite of my daily routine, I'm always working on new projects, learning about new things, meeting new clients and prospects, developing new skills, and redesigning my business.
I'm a clerk, but I've also had some experience as a secretary, including answering routine correspondence, taking phone calling and dealing with business for the boss.
The elaborate tests of safety and efficacy required before approval are routine in the drugs business.
Every business organization depends on its database on a routine basis for different processes and procedures.
Let your computer perform routine personal, business or IT tasks automatically for you.
"The common business of the nation... Is carried on in a constant routine by the clerks of the different offices" (Tobias Smollett).
They have a nice understanding of finances, and really enjoy business routine.
The typewriter returned with the letters for Lyman to sign, and he put away the map and took up his morning's routine of business.
You don't need a passport for routine? Business.
You don't need a passport for routine? Business.