They were royally received in every aspect.
Salt was an important item on the table of royally.
For another royally good experience, head to the wine gardens.
You don't get to the top of this list by messing up too royally.
If I didn't royally mess up, I wouldn't have known what I needed to fix.
Basically, without saying too much, you're screwed. Royally and totally.
We served them out royally for their many ACTS of cruelty and oppression.
First, it generates no money, thereby royally messing up Mr Obama's budget.
Right royally, not in an earthly sense, but in that in which alone he claimed the Kingdom.
Two NICs never have the same MAC address (unless some manufacturer screws up royally [which has happened]).
The runner got the first place in the Marathon race. People of his country welcomed him royally at the airport.
Year goes on, classic builds up One thing never change, Royally will always be in pursuit of unique creativity.
For, if he is anything, Cendrars, he is a man of action, an adventurer and explorer, a man who has known how to ―waste‖ his time royally.
These provided Huayna Capac with bountiful harvests and enough corn beer to entertain his subjects royally during Cusco's annual festivals.
You may be getting ripped off royally by your plan administrator, in which case you should only participate if you get a match, and then only up to the match.
If you plan to introduce any new technology and it fails royally then the time and cost to set up the infrastructure, along with sprint's failure will put you down.
"So, then, Gaetano," said Franz, "this is, then, all reality; there exists a man who has received me in this island, entertained me right royally, and his departed while I was asleep?"
The recollection of this vision, for it was really a vision, would not leave my mind like so much visions I had seen, and I looked everywhere for this royally beautiful woman in white.
这一次偶遇的影像,总在我滴脑海里挥之不去,不像从前我所观到的没有留在记忆力。 从此我到处寻觅这位绝色的白衣女子。
This follows last month’s ruling by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah that only royally appointed clerics would be allowed to issue fatwas, an attempt to assert control over the kingdom’s holy men.
This follows last month’s ruling by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah that only royally appointed clerics would be allowed to issue fatwas, an attempt to assert control over the kingdom’s holy men.