Clearly price promotions generally run at a loss, otherwise there would be more of them.
A beginner should try to run at a pace that suits you.
In your custom reports may be saved and then run at a later time.
As a beginner, try to run at a pace at which you can breathe easily.
To keep the queue depth low, the server process would have to run at a higher rate.
So in order to learn how to run at a higher cadence, you should practice at lower intensities.
Basically, it's a sustained run at a hard, controlled pace (usually for no more than 40 minutes).
Use your watch to time the four-minute repeats, and run at a strong and fast (but not all-out) effort.
These carry atomic clocks that have to run at a different speed to those on the ground because gravity is greater there.
Entering races now and then will do two things: First, it'll help you learn to run at a constant pace over a longer period of time.
Generate database creation scripts-select this option to generate a SQL database creation script that you can run at a later time.
Only time can tell if the Hornets can make another deep run at a championship, but you can be sure that Paul will be leading the way.
On fast hardware, the game will still run at a constant pace of 25 times per second, but the updating of the screen will be way faster than this.
在快速的硬件环境,游戏依旧运行在固定的25FPS 下,但屏幕更新会超过这个速度。
Under the new law, telecommunications companies will be obliged to provide all citizens with broadband lines that can run at a minimum of 1Mbps.
The amepat tool should be run at a workload's peak utilization period to ensure that the tool captures the utilization and memory usage at a workload's peak.
While it's not good to do every run or your entire run at a hard pace (easy days are important), you should sometimes try to push yourself to get some results.
According to the company, its most advanced offshore drilling platform can be run at a depth of 3,000 meters and the maximum drilling depth is 10,000 meters.
According to the company, its most advanced offshore drilling platform can be run at a depth of 3, 000 meters and the maximum drilling depth is 10, 000 meters.
If you happen to start a process and realize that it should run at a different priority, there is a way to change it after it has started, using the renice command.
If speculators on the futures markets get carried away, pushing prices so high that refineries run at a loss, they will simply shut down, causing the price to fall again.
For example, a test can run sequentially, randomly, or in weighted order; run at a set interval or repeatedly for a set number of times; run remotely; and emulate workload.
Even worse is the case where things normally run fast, except for the boss or that important customer who complains that their operations always seem to run at a snail's pace.
The IAAF argued that his prosthetics gave him an unfair advantage by enabling him to run at a much lower metabolic cost—in other words, with much less effort—than an able-bodied person.
When you run your own tests with these Web servers, you'll have the feeling that you showed up at a race track with a go-kart.
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
This example plays a beep at run time.
The company won a grant from America's Department of Energy to run simulations on Jaguar, a Cray XT-5 supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
公司得到美国能源部许可,在橡树岭国家实验室使用克雷 XT-5超级计算机捷豹进行模拟实验。
The company won a grant from America's Department of Energy to run simulations on Jaguar, a Cray XT-5 supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
公司得到美国能源部许可,在橡树岭国家实验室使用克雷 XT-5超级计算机捷豹进行模拟实验。