Specifies if a Form window is minimized or maximized at run time.
Specifies if a Form window is minimized or maximized at run time.
The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy ( N , T )? such that the long-run expected cost per unit time is minimized.
利用几何过程,以系统大修次数N和大修时间间隔T为更换策略,选择最优策略( N , T)使系统经长期运行单位时间的期望费用最小。
The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy ( N , T )? such that the long-run expected cost per unit time is minimized.
利用几何过程,以系统大修次数N和大修时间间隔T为更换策略,选择最优策略( N , T)使系统经长期运行单位时间的期望费用最小。