To achieve a balance between running heads with different Numbers of characters, increased inter-character spacing is used for running heads with few characters.
Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine.
Our heads were steaming after running.
We've all been there - in bed, desperate for sleep but unable to switch off the thoughts running through our heads.
Ryan says the measured global response last week shows that the balancing act worked: "You don't see people running around like chickens with their heads chopped off."
Running circles around the other kids, she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net with on one to stop her.
A hybrid contactor made of contactor in parallel with thyristor can effectively prevent contactor heads from melting. So it is advantageous for safe running of hoisting machines.
Later school PARTY and invite us, but time is running short... went to die in the zone park a walk to introduce the heads of several companies, and his eyes shine in!
He looked over their heads and saw — a little mouse, which was running about among the pieces of pager in the basket and looking for bits of food.
People with AP tend to continually make music mentally; music keeps running around in their heads, whether it is their own compositions or music they had heard.
Wed March 28th Essien feels pain in his knee while running, and heads to hospital for another scan.
三月二十八日(三) :埃辛在跑步时感到膝部痛楚,便直接到医院进行另一次扫瞄。
There are some causes for it, such as less stress from department heads, insufficient fund for running a journal, enormous examining and proofreading work for editing staff, etc.
Multi-heads weigher running stabilization. Weigh the products is high accurate.
We're going to be up-tempo next season anyway. We're going to get to camp and be running up and down that floor like chickens with their heads cut off.
Rita: I liked it when I was younger, but now it's too crazy. Everyone's running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's horrible.
I inherited his laugh, the same big guffaw that can turn heads in a restaurant and send cats running from the room.
I inherited his laugh, the same big guffaw that can turn heads in a restaurant and send cats running from the room.