Tom Holladay is a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church.
Saddleback, Middle White, Gloucester Old Spot is far superior.
Just as I'm the minister of Saddleback church, you're a minister of a church — at your workplace.
This view from Saddleback Mountain shows off some of the red maples for which the region is famous.
Tom Holladay is a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of The Relationship Principles of Jesus.
But he wanted to set an example at the start of the 2006 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, at Saddleback.
Now, the Archdiocese did not return our calls seeking comment and the offices at Saddleback Church were closed.
The Chimney House in Bosschenhoofd has a simple main volume with a rectangular floor plan and a saddleback roof.
This week's devotionals are by Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
At Saddleback Church, we practice the “good enough” principle: It doesn't have to be perfect for God to use and bless it.
This week’s devotionals are from Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of ‘The Way of a Worshiper’.
At Saddleback Church, we practice the "good enough" principle: it doesn't have to be perfect for God to use and bless it.
This week's devotionals are from Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
Application, information, and results for the white mountain trail marathon in Arizona, and the winter trail series and saddleback mountain trail marathon in orange county, California.
He was not in doubt as to the result: as he told a crowd at the huge Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, where he is pastor, he has remained faithful to his wife for three decades.
When a student at the Saddleback lecture pointed out that he was a not a biologist or a doctor but a chemist, the Nobel laureate rebutted him with the irrefutable argument, "And you're a little boy!"
When a student at the Saddleback lecture pointed out that he was a not a biologist or a doctor but a chemist, the Nobel laureate rebutted him with the irrefutable argument, "And you're a little boy!"