Windward return: a type of course configuration requiring the boats to sail into the wind to a mark, then with the wind when returning to a second mark.
You sail into a bay in bright sunshine and air scrubbed clean by the ceaseless circumpolar wind.
Because of the physics of how force is generated by wind blowing past a sail, tall thin sails generally have more power when the boat is sailing into the wind.
Use your front hand to pull the mast across the centerline and into the wind until you look through the sail window.
A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan.
But when it came back, hull have been attacked by wind erosion sail into the bejewelled children break. It has so much like a vagrant of the prodigal son, to the frivolous wind wanton bullying!
A boat cannot sail directly into the wind; attempting to do so is called luffing.
Did it change into the cry of the wind, plaintive at first, angrily shrill as it freshened, rising to a tearing whistle, sinking to a musical trickle of air from the leech of the bellying sail?
Research institutions and ship owners are looking into how the ships of the future could use the energy in the wind, sun and waves to cross the oceans. 150 most cargo ships were sail ships.
Research institutions and ship owners are looking into how the ships of the future could use the energy in the wind, sun and waves to cross the oceans. 150 most cargo ships were sail ships.