I go to the 7th grade in Saint Michael School.
Thee Brazilian tourist tried to take a selfie but staggered backwards into the sculpture of Saint Michael that was on a pedestal in one of the chambers of the museum.
这名巴西游客试图自拍却踉踉跄跄地后退着撞上了圣米歇尔雕像,该雕像被安置在博物馆一个展室的台座上。 。
Companion of St. Michael and St. George St. George is the Patron Saint of England.
2009-11-01 Deceased French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, making 350 million U. s. dollars, has beaten Michael Jackson in the list of top-earning in 2009 dead celebrities compiled by Forbes.
2009-11-01 Deceased French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, making 350 million U. s. dollars, has beaten Michael Jackson in the list of top-earning in 2009 dead celebrities compiled by Forbes.