Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O' Connor is in her 70s and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.
最高法院法官Sandra Day O'Connor已经70多岁,前卫生局局长C. EverettKoop在80多岁时还担任一个新成立的互联网公司的主席。
Here's Sandra Day o 'connor, for example. There she is.
But there's another judge who makes a lot more than Sandra Day o 'connor.
Sandra Day o 'connor, former Supreme Court Justice, majored in economics at Stanford.
前最高法院法官Sandra Day o'Connor在斯坦福学经济学专业。
I wrote my papers, I got my note published, I became editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, I clerked for Justice Sandra Day o 'connor.
1981 - Sandra Day o 'connor was the 102nd Justice sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, the first woman to hold the office.
In 2001, for example, she noted that former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day o 'connor thought that "a wise old man and a wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases."
例如在2001年,她曾经提到前任最高法院法官Sandra Day oConnor认为,一个明智的老头和一个明智的老太在紧要关头会做出相同的决定。
He is said to want to nominate a woman: since the retirement of Sandra Day o 'connor, a notable swing vote on the court, only Ruth Bader Ginsburg remains, and she has been battling cancer.
He is said to want to nominate a woman: since the retirement of Sandra Day o 'connor, a notable swing vote on the court, only Ruth Bader Ginsburg remains, and she has been battling cancer.