I saw a black man on your steps.
You never saw a black man appear on the cover of it, you would only see Elvis Presley, see the Rolling Stones.
While waiting at a traffic light, they saw a black Mercedes coupe on one side and a homeless man begging for food on the other.
The true identity of the man is unknown because no one ever saw his face which was hidden by a black velvet mask.
Mandy saw him at meetings, but she worried that he wasn’t letting the program work on him, was maybe just white-knuckling it, a funny thing to say about a black man.
But when the elevator doors opened into the lobby, the man I saw just looked like a guy from L.A. in a black shirt and jeans.
Star Wars was the first movie that I saw more than once, "says Illustrator Alex Bostic." This was a fun painting for me to do, because Lando is a black man in the future.
Many years ago, I saw a man running so fast on the 110 meter race, he beat the black men and won the match.
Knowing this, if the middle man saw a white hat in front of him, he'd know that his own hat was black, and could answer the question correctly.
But when the elevator doors opened into the lobby, the man I saw just looked like a guy from L. A. in a black shirt and jeans.
After it becomes apparent to the front man that neither of the men behind him can answer the question, he realizes the middle man saw a black hat in front of him.
Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him.
The young man felt a touch on his arm and saw Mrs. Van der Luyden looking down on him from the pure eminence of black velvet and the family diamonds.
I once saw a man draw some black dots, I looked and could make nothing of them but an irregular assemblage of black dots.
I once saw a man draw some black dots, I looked and could make nothing of them but an irregular assemblage of black dots.