When China says it will do something, it will do it.
"So far," he says, "this company has done everything it says it will do."
Super-send sub-200, must give, says it will do, if problem solving, coupled with 200 points.
We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my mother protects me buying too much candy, she says it will do harm to my health.
"Not knowing the law doesn't mean the law will treat you any differently if you break it." says David Allen Green, a lawyer from the UK. So, do you think we'd better spend a minute or two thinking about the words or emojis we use on social media before we press "send"?
She also needs feeling to do one of her favorite things, drink coffee. "The problem with a paper coffee cup is that my hand will close until it gets a solid grip," she says.
"It won't stop me," he says. "I will continue to do what I am doing.
"As soon as it do meet, so, " '- Mrs Durbeyfield closed her fingers into a circle complete"off you will go like a shadder, Mr Durbeyfield, " 'a says.
"It will probably help us to make better forecasts for what the sun is going to do," Scherrer says.
“We will do it I think in may be one or two years,” he says.
"It will only be a good idea to know your APOE genotype when there's something we can do about it, " she says.
"If it's one thing I'm starting to see over and over again, it's that if you do the right thing for users, it will benefit you in the end," he says.
“If it’s one thing I’m starting to see over and over again, it’s that if you do the right thing for users, it will benefit you in the end,” he says.
"When we do it again next year I think we will see that Toyota has dropped slightly," says David Champion, the senior director of Consumer Reports' auto test center.
"It will do image analysis to see if there is something different with the structure compared to an earlier picture taken from the exact same spot," says Phillips.
His ambition is to get a job, keep it and move out. Any job will do, he says.
"We do not know at the moment which city or which village actually will be rebuilt and who's going to pay for that and to what extent it will be rebuilt," he says.
"When you adopt the attitude that if you do something it will make a difference, that's confidence," she says.
He is speaking to His disciples, and He says that for even you it will be at a time, at an hour, when you do not expect it.
If someone says, 'do you like my tie?' and he answers yes, but he really hates it, he will say he likes it because he doesn't want to say something negative or bad.
Typing in bed can wind you up, so when you do unplug, it will be harder to fall asleep, Knutson says.
Iran says it has no intention of discussing its nuclear programme; the latest Revelations ensure it will have no choice but to do so.
The wise men hope these will be inducement enough for Mr Maliki to do as America says. Hope is all it can be.
Qatar says it will join the campaign against Libya - the first Arab country to do so - while the British parliament has overwhelmingly voted in support of the UK's involvement.
Qatar says it will join the campaign against Libya - the first Arab country to do so - while the British parliament has overwhelmingly voted in support of the UK's involvement.