I suspect that she got 50 score in the test.
I think it reasonable that I got a good score in the test.
The IELTS Reading and Writing workshops are for candidates who have a good working knowledge of English but need to refine the skills required to gain their highest potential score in the test.
The test measures the activity levels of various genes in the tumor and computes a score showing the risk of recurrence.
But this test score thesis failed to pass muster when Japan's economy tanked in 1990, while the U.S. economy in 1991 entered the longest period of economic prosperity in its history.
Getting a high score in an IQ test requires both high intelligence and competitive tendencies to motivate the test-taker to perform to the best of their ability.
There is no specific formula for calculating how many spelling mistakes will affect a test-takers score because there are many factors that are considered in assigning the final score.
Add up the number of Trues in this test for introversion. The higher your score, the more introverted your personality traits are.
In other words, students with the same test score would earn roughly the same income, regardless of the school they attended.
In the 1960s John Kennedy fretted that without a test ban and other hurdles, eventually a score of countries could have their finger on a nuclear trigger.
In track2 the test set includes six items per user (all are tracks), three of which were rated highly (score 80 or higher) by the user and three were not rated by the user.
在track2中,测试集每个用户包含6个条目(所有的都是声道),这之中的3个被这个用户打分高(80 +),剩下的3个不是被该用户打分。
UCLES, which developed the IELTS test, says that it takes 3 months of study, in an English-speaking environment, to improve by one band score.
You will get the result of your BMD test in a special number called a T-score.
John's score on the test is the highest in the class, he must have studied hard last night.
By VB language, for example, a study of visual programming courses on the subject automatic marking interface test score issue, the key solution to the problem, and in practice are verified.
An intelligence test score in early life is partly a record of what the environment has wrought on the brain and the rest of the body up to that time.
In large scale standardized tests, the test scores, before release, have to undergo a series of transformation processes, including score weighting, score equating, and score normalization, etc.
When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain kind of test, or even the ability to do well in school.
In addition, enclosed the corresponding self - test topic after after studying a unit, can watch exercise answer test the score yet at any time.
Then we can use the Score test to find the outliers in stock time series.
In this essay, we introduce in to the concept of standard score(SS), used in the statistics of high school test results, and demostrate how to delimit the test grade by using the way of SS.
Last year, the average standardised test score of this group was in the top 7% in the country.
The test takers' score is to reflect the test takers' ability to use language in oral test.
The treatment group in dysphagia grade, sub-water test score are better than the control group(P<0.01);
Most of the reason is because of the cultural class examination in a big advantage, at the same time in the skills of the score is not open on the basis of the final test results are good.
In the United Stares, for example, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligent test.
Finally, the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test.
What proportion does this test score account for in the calculation of the final grade?
Our class made a high score in the last test.
Our class made a high score in the last test.