There are things you can express in Scots that you can't say in English.
Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.
Attempts to smite vice in Scotland sometimes prepare the way for similar measures elsewhere: the Scots banned smoking in public buildings, for example, a year before the English did.
U.K. regional dialects, such as Scots, Irish, Welsh, and Northern English are hard for foreigners to understand and Cockney is impossible. So don't speak like the BBC does these days: -.
The trouble is that Britishness is hard to define-especially since devolution has encouraged the Scots, Welsh and even English to prefer their more specific identities-and even harder to inculcate.
The empire, Mr Devine points out, was an emphatically British venture in which the Scots saw themselves as equal partners with the English, giving them self-respect as well as prosperity.
The English were heavily defeated by the Scots in the battle that followed.
The noun "Scots" refers to the Scottish dialect of the English language and scotch.
This sometimes annoys the Scots or the Welsh who do not regard themselves as English and who have a culture and even a language of their own.
Scots is the dialect of English used in the Lowlands of Scotland.
Scots is the dialect of English used in the Lowlands of Scotland.