The polar bear's scientific name means "sea bear" because it's the only bear that has a body made for living in water.
There're lots of animals in the North Pole, for example, whale, polar bear, and sea dog, and I like polar bear best.
We must face a sea of troubles and bear it.
We must face a sea of troubles and bear them.
This bear appeared to be in healthy condition, however the species is threatened with extinction because climate change is causing its sea ice habitat to melt away rapidly.
Because the observed trajectory of Arctic sea ice decline appears to be underestimated by currently available models, this assessment of future polar bear status may be conservative.
Withoutthe sea ice habitat, the polar bear will not survive in the long term.
When this inland sea retreated, Hamilton hypothesizes, the Amazon dolphins remained in the river basin, evolving into striking creatures that bear little resemblance to our beloved Flipper.
A stranded female polar bear and mother of two cubs waits for the sea ice to return to be able to hunt.
They will bear the brunt of changing weather patterns, water shortages, and rising sea levels even though they are the least equipped to deal with them.
A female polar bear and her two-year-old cub wait for the sea ice to return.
The combination of rising inflation and slowing growth may bear a worrying resemblance to the stagflationary 1970s, but there has been a sea-change in advanced economies since then.
When his Pal Polar Bear pushes him down their favorite slide, Flip-Flop unexpectedly lands in the sea.
In hand, we were hiking, watching the sea, reading, dance, last dance, travel... share, to bear!
There're lots of animals in North Pole, for example whale, polar bear and sea dog, and I like polar bear best.
Some people cannot bear travelling by sea.
Some people cannot bear travelling by sea.
Chinese medicine is jumping into the genomics era while still at one with remedies like bear bile and dried sea horse.
在仍然使用熊胆和海马干等药物的同时,中国医学界正在跃入基因组学时代。 收藏。
Polar bear hair is hollow to trap air for insulation while the sea otter has the densest fur with125000hairs per cm2.
The sites contain great species diversity , including the world ' s largest known variety of salmonoid fish and exceptional concentrations of sea otter , brown bear and stellar ' s sea eagle.
Polar bear hair is hollow to trap air for insulation while the sea otter has the densest fur with 125,000 hairs per cm2.
Life in Color: Blue a polar bear leaps off of sea ice near Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic.
Some people cannot bear teavelling by sea.
On May 14, 2008, the U. s. Department of the Interior reclassified the polar bear as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act, citing concerns about sea ice loss.
On May 14, 2008, the U. s. Department of the Interior reclassified the polar bear as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act, citing concerns about sea ice loss.