The new features announced today are the inclusion of ads in mobile social network sites, the ability to search within ads, multi-panel banners with multiple calls to action, and scrolling canvas ads.
One of the main ways is this: When Uncle Bob wants to visit some website, perhaps his favorite social network, he types the website name in the search bar rather than entering the full URL.
What is more, he needs to renegotiate the deal that in 2006 gave Google the exclusive right to place search ads on MySpace, a social network owned by News Corp.
This means that pages can be referenced and connected across social network user profiles, blog posts, search results, Facebook's News Feed, and more.
Last month, Facebook hired a pr firm to smear Google in the press, while the social network has allowed Google's search rival Bing to use its data in personalized search results.
From your user page, you can search your links and your social network (the list of people you specify whose links interest you).
Just today, it was revealed that rival Facebook is going to be teaming up with search rival Baidu in China for a social network.
Delver, another social network search engine, indexes content and ranks its relevance based on what your social network of "friends" have to say about it.
You see, WorldSings isn't just another social network - it's the site for a new annual contest in search of the "World's Best Song," an online competition offering $1,000,000 in prizes.
If users have recently visited New Zealand and written anything about it on a social network or a blog, social search will pull in these results at the bottom of the page.
With iSearch, users can search for social network content by name or by screen name.
Combines the elements of people search with a social network.
Users can now search within their own tags, another user's bookmarks, and, maybe most interestingly, within their own social network on Delicious.
Users can now search within their own tags, another user's bookmarks, and, maybe most interestingly, within their own social network on Delicious.