It is the soul of life that saves itself, which is the second author of life.
If you want to work together, then you can have a second author on the project.
If books can have multiple authors, where might the database store a second author?
Should the novel haven't the second author, the worthy readers could imagine it for themselves.
But if you do that, you need to repeat an identical PubID, Date, and Title just to mention a second author.
Second, who exactly was their author?
William Kostakis, a 21-year-old Australian author who is currently completing his second novel, isn't so concerned.
Vampire romance author Stephenie Meyer ranks second this year.
The OED gives us a second Holmesian citation only 7 years later in 1900 by the author Allen Upward writing an early spoof on Conan Doyle’s detective.
To make it a bit better, we'll change the second column to display the Author when a Topic is selected, then add a third column that will give the number of posts in the Topic.
Second, and perhaps most important, I wanted people who wouldn't normally author to find it comfortable authoring, so that there stood a chance of us discovering the structure of what they had to say.
In addition to the first list, the report author decides to add a second list to display the Revenue by Product line and Product type.
When author James Fallows shared a beer in a Japanese bar with an English friend in 1986, his friend said, "Why don't you just face the fact that you're second-raters, like us?"
On narrative person, the author analysed the mixing use of the three types of person by studying respectively the typical examples of first, second and third person of narrating.
The second part dissects the rhetorical methods used by the author.
The author designs and realizes the second edition of PFKEY protocol, which is mainly responsible for providing the interface for communication between IKE and Kernal secure database.
A substantial portion of the product must be modified, or there are many changes to make. A second inspection is required after the author has completed rework.
The second part is the connotation of the administrative information publication system, the author intensively discussed the concept and contents of the administrative information publication system.
Second, the author distinguishes the differences between malicious civil action and some similar concepts. Third, the author discusses the classification of the all kinds of malicious civil action.
Second, the author examines Heideggers concept of "the world as world" on the basis of "being in the world".
In the second section, the author discusses the difference of the liabilities, the definitions and the contents of the owners of the shower room and the hotel.
Second, the author unfolds this theory from three aspects: first, based on the integrity of the plot, it divides quatrains into two parts: narration for integrated plot and incomplete plot.
Second part: the author analyzes the constitute of the organized travel contract legal relation.
In the second part, the author analyzes the current situation and the problems of shareholders' meeting of listed company in China and points out the legislation defective in its system.
In the second part, the author positions and explains ITS in PSS from different aspects.
In the second chapter, the author wants to explore the causes of the phenomenon from cultural background, writers and literary audience.
In second chapter, the author sums up the status and characteristics of the poverty problem in the south of Asia.
In the second chapter, the author displays the structure of securities supervision system of U. S. and indicates the defects in supervision.
The second part, the author introduce the common risk, conception of the common risk, the estimate model of risk, the means of apron string .
The second part, the author introduce the common risk, conception of the common risk, the estimate model of risk, the means of apron string .