Application can be completely resolved: the seat pocket of rice, stiff Miller, heading missing, the lower seed-setting rate;
Path analysis was studied about 141 accessions involving pollen fertility, anther dehiscence index, embryo sac fertility and seed setting rate.
Those abnormal embryo sacs having abnormal fertility dued to no normal eggs, which caused seed setting rate to drop.
In addition, the net photosynthetic rate at the filling stage was significantly and positively correlated with the seed setting rate.
Among the yield components, decreases in number of panicles per pot and seed setting rate were two main reasons for the yield reduction.
There were extreme significant or significant levels to GCA and SCA, which were both effected by male-sterile lines, with the seed setting rate and filled grain per panicle.
The major differences between them were the plant height, effective panicle number, total grain number per panicle, number of filled grains per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000grain weight.
The results indicated that the grain per spike, seed setting rate, spikes per unit area and thousand grain weight had great contribution to the yield, especially grain per spike and seed setting rate.
The seed setting rate has no obvious difference between autotriploid and autotetraploid, but it will rise with the increase of the self-bred generations.
Output can be improved by reducing the plant height, improving available spikelet and seed setting rate and combining kernel number per spike with thousand kernel weight.
NGPE and NHI were significantly positively associated with seed setting rate, grain weight per plant and effect panicle per plant.
The crosses from forage rye and winter wheat were lower in seed setting rate(10.21%)and poor in compatibility, but the plumpness were higher(41.20%).
While significant correlation were observec between bulk of fresh root and seed setting rate, and with the effective per plant was significantly negatively correlated.
While significant correlation were observec between bulk of fresh root and seed setting rate, and with the effective per plant was significantly negatively correlated.