But that seems less likely than the alternative.
Insouciance seems less likely when the starting point is much higher debt.
As both production budgets and risks soar it seems less likely than ever that an outsider will break into the club.
Buying lots of booze does not make you a drunk-driver, but someone who buys little or none seems less likely to be one.
The group so far also seems less likely to stir unrest than migrant workers, who in recent years have staged protests in some areas over low pay and other issues.
The more we discuss the trip, the less likely it seems we can afford it.
Less likely is integration with Yahoo Answers: that audience seems to skew younger, and might not merge well with the more mature blog writers and readers at MyBlogLog.
The main fear is that the rest of the world proves less resilient than now seems likely: commodity exporters, say, may rely on American demand less than they did, but are hardly cut off from it.
New pensioners, it seems, are far more willing to enjoy life and less likely to worry about the inheritance they will leave than are septuagenarians and octogenarians.
QE, which may or may not be monetary protectionism (I don't think it is), seems to make traditional protection even less likely, as Barry Eichengreen and Doug Irwin argued eloquently back in October.
Like Axis2, though, it generally seems fairly solid, and the integration of the security code into the main release makes complete failures less likely than with Axis2.
Ladies, if you thought it was just women who are judged on their looks at work, think again. It seems men have it far worse. Researchers say handsome men are less likely to get their dream job.
That seems much less likely to happen because of the second big problem facing the union: popular disenchantment with the project.
It seems that the Bianconeri are ready to relinquish Raffaele Palladino in a co-ownership agreement with Genoa, making it less likely that they will also allow Trez to depart.
Marriage seems to be so good for men's health that married men are less likely to die in a given period than their single counterparts, according to British researchers.
It seems to me that Americans are simply more likely to provide their names to strangers or mere acquaintances, whereas Chinese are less likely to so easily share their name with others.
It seems to me that Americans are simply more likely to provide their names to strangers or mere acquaintances, whereas Chinese are less likely to so easily share their name with others.