Using step surface data for wave equation simulation of seismic data can produce serious interference at corner points of steps and further affect the results of numeric simulation.
And the attenuation studies of seismic wave in the laboratory have provided studying base for the mechanism studies.
For complex heterogeneous medium, the distribution and characteristics of its heterogeneity can be studied by seismic scattering wave.
Wave equation method is one of the fundamental techniques for seismic modeling and imaging.
In this paper, control for seismic responses of Bridges under traveling wave excitation is performed using MR Dampers.
With the help of model techniques, we can determine seismic velocity in porous media by accounting for viscous fluid effects on wave propagation.
The seismic wave impedance inversion technique is becoming an increasingly important tool in carrying out reservoir prediction for oil exploration and development.
The key dominant facts of seismic wave input of time history analysis are discussed briefly in this paper, which are shown as reference for civil engineering designers.
Numerical modeling results for seismic wave propagating in rocks with random dis- tributed fractures using a staggered high-order finite-difference (SHOFD) are also presented.
A method of seismic response analysis for long-span Bridges considering the synthetic effects of wave-traveling, topography and multi-support excitations is established.
The early-stage judgement capability as dynamical characteristics of seismic wave are 75%, 55%-73%, 90% respectively for three types of earthquake sequences.
With the seismic wave recorded in Wenchuan earthquake as the input, the centre column of a typical metro station was simulated numerically by the software FLAC3D for its strong seismic responses.
A new analysis technique, called random wave analysis method, is developed for the random seismic response analysis of layered soil sites under SH wave excitation.
This paper presents the calculation method of external loadings for offshore drilling platforms induced by gravity, buoyancy, wind, wave, current and seismic force, and relative computer programs.
Finite element method is an useful tool for modeling seismic wave in complex medium, it simulates seismic wave propagation quite realistically and displays seismic wave fields in quite detailed way.
The seismic wave lies the count for much parameter that the dissemination speed in the quality BE, in the seismic data processing that reach agreement to release in the underground rock strata.
It's difficult to deal with seismic acoustic forward modeling and seismic inversion for the absence of shear wave data usually.
Numerical simulation of seismic wave, which has an important role for researching the propagation of seismic wave in media, is the basis of seismic exploration.
Based on the finite element method and the theory of mode superposition, a quasi-static calculation method for the seismic response of rigid pile composite foundation under SV wave is presented.
The analysis also shows that the continuity of P-wave event on common receiver gather is superior to that on common shot gather for seismic data acquired by shooting in shot hole.
Seismic velocity and wave impedance properties of brine lake formations are analyzed using 2d seismic data with high resolution factor, forward, inversion and forecasting method for model are studied.
However, wave field separation is one of the important steps for processing the multi-component seismic data.
In terms of stress wave theory and complex function, analytical solution for the interaction between blasting seismic wave and arbitrary shape underground Chambers is deduced.
A method for determining the velocity of seismic wave in two-dimensional medium is presented.
A simple method for wavelet simulation was presented. Shape and spectrum of the wave simulation are very similar to the known far -field wavelet. It can meet the need of Marine seismic exploration.
The seismic wave oscillating up-down within the basin may result large damage for buildings above the basin.
Based on plane wave decomposition, We propose a wave-equation depth migration method for pre-stack seismic data.
This paper describes the application of shallow seismic refraction wave method to the exploration of foundation for railway Bridges.
Through the comparison of seismic wave attenuation and plastic strain, except for geometrical attenuation, the plastic deformation of coal and rocks is also contributing to energy consumption.
Through the comparison of seismic wave attenuation and plastic strain, except for geometrical attenuation, the plastic deformation of coal and rocks is also contributing to energy consumption.