All the troubles are self inflicted, therefore only themselves, not to find a friend in tears, looking for them to play.
He is being treated for a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
It was soon clear to me that the feeling, though, was self-inflicted.
In truth, the biggest threats to Russia's future stem not from its "enemies" but from internal weaknesses, some of them self-inflicted.
A Florida woman wrote to tell me that, before reading it, she'd always been annoyed at the poor for what she saw as their self-inflicted obesity.
In recent months Intel has suffered a string of embarrassments, some self-inflicted (such as the cancellation or delay of several new products), but others at the hands of AMD.
And while the Fed sits there in its self-inflicted paralysis, millions of Americans are losing their jobs, their homes and their hopes for the future.
I don't remember whether I was under actual pressure to finish the lecture I was working on, or only under self-inflicted pressure to work and succeed.
He cites Brazil's high Labour taxes and interest rates as self-inflicted handicaps.
The invasion of Iraq, he says, was a grievous self-inflicted wound.
Recently he has taken to heaping blame on the European Central Bank for France's self-inflicted failings.
The whole saga has been a self-inflicted wound for Mr Hatoyama, exacerbated by a succession of confusing messages coming from his cabinet.
Pakistan’s relative insecurities have been intensified over the years by natural disasters, such as huge floods in 2010, and self-inflicted wounds such as frequent military coups.
I've been observing a ridiculous amount of self-inflicted over complication around me lately. The solutions to this are generally simple. I'm a big fan of simple.
She also had slightly deformed forearms, apparently something self-inflicted by having the arms extended vertically for long periods of time - perhaps as a result of a praying.
Vettel, who had commanded the first race of the season in Bahrain until hobbled by an engine problem, this time suffered a self-inflicted wound.
维特尔在本赛季的第一场比赛- - -巴林大奖赛中受困于引擎问题,这次又遇到了自己的驾驶疏忽。
This is, you might think, a pretty standard, vaguely comic vignette of modern life - man harassed by self-inflicted technology.
The slowdown has to a significant extent been deliberately self-inflicted, as officials have increased policy tightening to rein in inflation that has been running at close to a three-year high.
But the impending end of the Atlantic Era also reflects the self-inflicted wounds that Europe and America have each suffered over the past decade.
Nevertheless, Washington may have already administered a remarkable self-inflicted wound to the United States' financial standing.
Now the frenemy has become a scapegoat for many of the industry's self-inflicted wounds.
That history of haymakers, many self-inflicted, still makes it hard to believe the Tories won't at least emerge from the election as the biggest party, probably with a majority.
"This is a self-inflicted margin-reduction," Mr Kurtz says.
But he knew other kinds of tragedy and trouble, too - self-inflicted and inflicted on others.
他知道,悲剧和困苦还有其他类型- - -自伤和伤人。
Compared with much of Asia, Latin America continues to suffer from self-inflicted handicaps: except in farming, productivity is growing more slowly than elsewhere.
Compared with much of Asia, Latin America continues to suffer from self-inflicted handicaps: except in farming, productivity is growing more slowly than elsewhere.