Architecture has to be part of the self organizing team.
Agile practices and self organizing alone can't solve those architectural challenges.
Once that is done the self organizing Scrum teams will take care of scaling on their own.
You can do this with self organizing teams, or by prescribing an architecture that is ordained by the CIO.
Why don't we remove all lights because self organizing people will also drive in a self-organizing manner, isn't it?
We have a couple of people here that are always reaching out to anyone and anything that would benefit from our platform for self organizing.
Smart with teams - Cross functional, small (ideally 10 or less people) self organizing teams with the right mix of skills to undertake the work.
For those of us coaching "self-organizing" teams: how do we navigate in this territory?
His solution was to learn something from the rebels it was fighting: decentralizing authority to self-organizing teams.
On more mature teams, the role of leadership focuses more on ensuring the team continues to be self-organizing.
Towards the end, I have again given some examples from public life and tried to map it with the Agile and self-organizing concept.
The process is quick, adaptive, and self-organizing, and it represents a significant change from sequential development* processes.
Software development teams go about becoming self-organizing by adopting one or more informal, implicit, transient, and spontaneous roles and by performing balanced Agile practices [1].
Rather it is what Axelrod calls "cooperation without friendship or foresight" -cold principles of nature that work at many levels to birth a self-organizing structure.
As a result, the benefits that flow from a self-organizing Team - ownership, focus, drive, pride in quality, improved morale, and better productivity -will likely not be realized.
Allowing some space of initial learning and on-going experimentation is important for self-organizing teams to grow and continuously improve.
Transitioning from being a software development team to becoming a self-organizing Agile team is not trivial.
These enable the team to operate at the self-organizing end of the Leadership-Self-management continuum.
This will help them understand how self-organizing teams are meant to function and what is expected of them in supporting such teams.
A successful self-organizing project team requires each participant to be genuinely motivated to make improvements.
Self-organizing teams typically require fewer transitions of work products between individuals and better communication, which decreases the chance of defects being introduced into the product.
This is where teams have difficulty in self-organizing - because conflict is always incipient and can break out at a moment's notice, leading to chaos and failure.
By enabling employees to contribute to wikis, companies establish a self-checking, self-organizing method of documenting processes and facts about the business.
Self-organizing teams collaborate closely and frequently with their business customers which ensures they build products and applications that are well aligned with business requirements.
The living cell is a self-organizing, self-replicating, environmentally responsive machine of staggering complexity.
Once teams perceive a certain level of understanding and expertise in Agile practices, they risk becoming complacent and thereby losing their self-organizing ability.
Knowledge-creation: knowledge is self-organizing and creation of it is energized by putting people together in a place and providing a context ( "Ba")
知识的创造性:知识是自组织的,它来自于聚集在一起的一群人,在特定的环境下( "Ba")的创造力。
From Controller of peoples actions to Enabler of self-organizing teams.
So the approach holds intriguing possibilities of self-organizing classification and recommendation systems.
所以,del. icio . us的方法极有可能被用于构造一个自组织分类和推荐系统。
Common approaches to unsupervised learning include k-Means, hierarchical clustering, and self-organizing maps.
无监管学习的常见方法包括k - Means、分层集群和自组织地图。