Please wait a moment. I shall serve you right after I finish this.
This may be a test: try to sell him down the river and the next time you look him in the eye he may be firing you - and serve you right.
If there is a "right" to healthcare, you must force the providers of those goods, or others, to serve you.
What about when you really want to get something right, like putt the ball, hit a beautiful serve right in the corner or reverse the car into a narrow space?
Setting the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type properly isn't the only thing you need to do to serve XHTML to legacy browsers, but it is a big step in the right direction.
适当地设置MultipurposeInternetMailExtensions(MIME)媒体类型并不是向旧的浏览器提供XHTML 所能采用的惟一途径,但它却是往正确方向上迈出的一大步。
There are plenty of things you probably have in your house right now that could serve as weights — you just need to be a little creative to get started.
If you consistently put the ball toss in the right place your serve will be consistent also.
One of the ways this works, I believe, is that tissue that is damaged or diseased gives off signals that are induced into the energy systems of the hands that serve to guide you to the right places.
Thank you. I will serve milk tea right now, ma'am.
Thank you. I'll serve salad right now, Sir. What kind of dressing would you like on it?
All right. Can I serve you anything else?
I like to serve you, Sir, and to obey you in all that is right.
If you have a "fault", then, you will lose the serve. Am I right?
You have been there trying to serve because you have believed both that it was the right thing to do and because it gave something back to you. You have dared to care.
How do you serve the right ads to the right user and understand what it is that that individual would be interested in buying?
You told me it would serve him right if he should take me to Europe for nothing.
If a food is cooked and put out to serve , make sure that you keep the food hot if it is not going to be eaten right away.
If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand.
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I was worried because I knew that if the rain delay is not long, you know, I have to come out and serve right away.
"Master Yoda, you had my first loyalty, and you have it still, " Lorian said. "I have done things in my life that I know were wrong, but I am here to do right. I am here to serve the Jedi.
"Master Yoda, you had my first loyalty, and you have it still, " Lorian said. "I have done things in my life that I know were wrong, but I am here to do right. I am here to serve the Jedi.